Serum bank
Serum Bank is the application developed for MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Centre of the Neurological department
at 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General Faculty Hospital in Prague.
Its aim is to provide electronic mamagement of blood serums and liquors stored in the freezing boxes.
Initially, samples stored in the freezing boxes was recorded in the paper tables
which forbided searching for samples, e. g. for all samples from selected patient or
study, etc. Moreover, blood samples are after a while sent to the laboratories all over the
world for analysis and it was not possible to have detailed overview on demand.
The Serum Bank application is adapted for the lay-out of the serums in the boxes and packets.
It means, that the nurse can see graphically the exact location of each packet or serum as it
is located in the freezing box. In the picture below you can see the lay-out of the packets
in the selected box. Packets can have their parameters and it is possible to sort them out
in a table on the right side of the window.
The packet can be opened and the visualisation of serums and liquors is
available. In the second picture below you can see the lay-out of the serums in the
selected packet. The application can cooperate with the Hospital Information System
and retrieve the patient's data from its window, thus the nurse doesn't enter
the data manually.
The data are stored in database and it possible to make a queries and show filtered
tables of data on demand.